Over 100 Guides and Courses
Professional McKenzie Friend.
Guide and Mentor.
Over Twenty Years
All levels of court.
Successful Appeals.
Changed peoples lives.
Called to the Bar 2010.

Masterclass Overview

Represent yourself the best way you can

Providing the court with a Position Statement is the easiest way to improve your chances of progressing your case properly. There are numerous advantages to you in writing one, and making sure that it covers all of the important factors will ensure that it helps your case.

The number one piece of advice I can give you is to never go to court without one, and to spend time getting it right as it is so important.

  • ➤ Formatting your Position Statement

    It is important that the Position Statement is written the way that the court expects and so the judge will feel familiar with it. There are court rules relating to the formatting.

  • ➤ When to provide your Position Statement

    The Position Statement is likely to be your best weapon in most court hearings. Don’t use it too early as you will give the game away, don’t use it too late as the Judge is likely to ignore it.

  • ➤ Sample and Template

    We have included a template for you to use so that the Position Statement is set out correctly. There is also a sample Position Statement which will show you the style of writing and format in an east to follow way.

  • ➤ What to include in your Position Statement

    The Judge is looking to each party in a hearing to provide the information that they need at that particular time. Provide exactly what they need and they will be in a better position to help you progress your case.

  • ➤ Be Prepared. Be Ready. Be Confident

    This course as with all of the others in the Training Academy have been written to make your journey through the Family Courts as stress free and smooth as possible. Do not go to court unprepared or unaware of what will happen in the hearing. Take control and progress your case with less effort and cost with Simon Walland’s assistance.

There really is no reason for you to go to court and not be aware of what the court will do, what will happen and why it happens the way it does.

Simon Walland has been helping parents in the family Courts for over twenty years. He is trained in Law, qualified as a Barrister and has been through the court himself. He understands what you are going through.


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When I started, I knew nothing about law or how to help people in the Family Court. Obviously, during the last 20 years, I have learned an enormous amount.

Firstly, when I went through my own child contact court case. I wish I had found someone like me. It would have saved me so much time and sleep!

I want to pass on my knowledge to others, and this course is everything that I wish I had known when I needed family law advice, and when I started off helping others.

Man holding guitar

This course is closed for enrollment.

When you Represent Yourself in the Family Courts you are removing the cost of using a professional lawyer to drive your case through to a conclusion, but at the same time you lose out on the knowledge and ability. Whatever your reason to not engage a Solicitor to help you, there is no reason why you should be disadvantaged, and run your own case, providing you know the stages of each application and what the court expect from you.

Stylish Cards

Other Courses and Trainings

What is a
McKenzie Friend?

What do they do and how do they do it?

Simon Walland

McKenzie Friend
Foundation Course

Train to be an accredited Mckenzie Friend.

Simon Walland
£ 600

- Module One

Train to be an accredited Mckenzie Friend.

Simon Walland
£ 1200


Simon Walland

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Lawyer, Legal consultant and McKenzie friend

He has created this range of courses to teach you everything you need to know when you attend the Family Court.

At least 18,000 people attend the Family Court on their own every month and, according to the courts, the majority are very poorly prepared. Through no fault of their own, most people do not have the required knowledge of court processes. Understandably, they also do not know what is required to move their case forward.

These courses are designed to give people the knowledge they require at every stage of this stressful process. The courses are presented clearly and simply by Simon Walland using his many years of court experience and in-depth subject knowledge.

Man holding guitar